July 11, 2018

Yes, you do have to like men when you work for a London escorts service but that does not mean that you like everything about the men you date. Just like men who like to date London escorts, I have got my own personal favorites at the London escorts agency that I work for in this part of London. They are the kind of men that I would like to date in my personal life as well. Taking a look at my little black diary, I think that there is only one guy who really turns me off.

His name is Michael, and he gets in touch a couple of times per week. He is not weird or anything like that, but I swear that he has never had a real girlfriend. Mind you, that is not unusual. I have dated a lot of men at various London escorts service who are not into relationships at all. What makes Michael so different, is that he is really clingy and I really don’t like that at all. Out of all of the men I have met during my London escorts career, I would say that Michael is the guy who wins clingiest date of the year every time. For some reason he has hooked on to me, and refuses to date any of the other girls at our escorts in London service.

If I am really honest, I would just like to have a little bit of a break from him. But as he is a good regular, my boss does not want to turn him down. On top of that, he is a very good tipper. I don’t have a clue what has made Michael so underconfident. Speaking to him, it sounds like his entire life has been a bit of a train wreck, and unlike some of my other London escorts dates, I really don’t know what to say to him to make him feel better about himself. Sometimes I just sit there with a silly smile on my face trying to not get too personally involved. Believe me, that is easier said than done when it comes to Michael.

There are times when I feel like telling him to get a life, but I guess that he would not know how to do that. Michael is like so many of the men who enjoy the company of London escorts, a very successful businessman. He seems to handle that, but from what I can tell, he does not do so well privately. It makes you wonder what goes in the lives of high profile men. Most of them are certainly very different from their characters we may come in public. Now that is my Michael to a Tee. Will he ever change? I don’t think that Michael will ever change, and when I finally leave London escorts services, I can see Michael following my out of the door. Could I handle him privately? No, I don’t think so and I know that I simply don’t have the patience for men like him in my private life.…